
Exercise for improving balance in older people

Abstract Background In older adults, diminished balance is associated with reduced physical functioning and an increased risk of falling. This is an update of a Cochrane review first published in 2007. Objectives To examine the effects of exercise interventions on balance in older people, aged 60 and over, living in the community or in institutional […]


Cognitive reframing for carers of people with dementia

Abstract Background The balance of evidence about whether psychosocial interventions for caregivers of people with dementia could reduce carers’ psychological morbidity and delay their relatives’ institutionalisation is now widely regarded as moderately positive (Brodaty 2003; Spijker 2008). Multi-component, tailor-made psychosocial interventions are considered to be particularly promising (Brodaty 2003; Spijker 2008). These interventions involve multiple […]


Interventions for disorders of eye movement in patients with stroke

Abstract Background Eye movement disorders may affect over 70% of stroke patients. These eye movement disorders can result in difficulty maintaining the normal ocular position and difficulty moving the eyes appropriately. The resulting functional disabilities include a loss of depth perception, reduced hand-to-eye co-ordination, marked difficulties with near tasks and reading and reduced ability to […]


Non-pharmacological interventions for caregivers of stroke survivors

Abstract Background A substantial component of care is provided to stroke survivors by informal caregivers. However, providing such care is often a new and challenging experience and has been linked to a number of adverse outcomes. A range of interventions targeted towards stroke survivors and their family or other informal caregivers have been tested in […]


Hands-on therapy interventions for upper limb motor dysfunction following stroke

Abstract Background Recent studies have attempted to disaggregate therapeutic intervention packages by looking at the impact of structure and process characteristics of environment upon outcome. However, what is commonly referred to as the ‘black box’ of therapy has yet to be comprehensively unpacked. This failure to analyse the components of therapy means that it remains […]


Manual material handling advice and assistive devices for preventing and treating back pain in workers

Abstract Background Training and the provision of assistive devices are considered major interventions to prevent back pain and its related disability among workers exposed to manual material handling (MMH). Objectives To determine the effectiveness of MMH advice and training and the provision of assistive devices in preventing and treating back pain. Search methods We searched […]


Non-pharmacological interventions for perceptual disorders following stroke and other adult-acquired, non-progressive brain injury

Abstract Background Stroke and other adult-acquired brain injury may impair perception leading to distress and increased dependence on others. Perceptual rehabilitation includes functional training, sensory stimulation, strategy training and task repetition. Objectives To examine the evidence for improvement in activities of daily living (ADL) six months post randomisation for active intervention versus placebo or no […]


Pharmacologic treatment of depression in multiple sclerosis

Abstract Background Depression is a common problem in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). It is unclear which pharmacologic treatment is the most effective and the least harmful. Objectives To investigate the efficacy and tolerability of pharmacologic treatments for depression in patients with MS. Search methods We searched the Cochrane Multiple Sclerosis Group’s Trials Register (June […]


Speech and language therapy to improve the communication skills of children with cerebral palsy

Abstract Background The production of speech, language and gesture for communication is often affected by cerebral palsy. Communication difficulties associated with cerebral palsy can be multifactorial, arising from motor, intellectual and sensory impairments. Children with this diagnosis can experience mild to severe difficulties in expressing themselves. They are often referred to speech and language therapy […]


Cognition-based interventions for healthy older people and people with mild cognitive impairment

Abstract Background Evidence from some, but not all non-randomised studies suggest the possibility that cognitive training may influence cognitive functioning in older people. Due to the differences among cognitive training interventions reported in the literature, giving a general overview of the current literature remains difficult. Objectives To systematically review the literature and summarize the effect […]

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