Ginseng for erectile dysfunction
Abstract Background Dietary supplements with ginseng, or ginseng alone, are widely used for a broad range of conditions, including erectile dysfunction. Ginseng is particularly popular in Asian countries. Individual studies assessing its effects are mostly small, of uneven methodological quality and have unclear results. Objectives To assess the effects of ginseng on erectile dysfunction. Search […]

Interventions for treating urinary incontinence after stroke in adults
Abstract Background Urinary incontinence can affect 40% to 60% of people admitted to hospital after a stroke, with 25% still having problems when discharged from hospital and 15% remaining incontinent after one year. This is an update of a review published in 2005 and updated in 2008. Objectives To assess the effects of interventions for […]

Probiotics for preventing urinary tract infection in people with neuropathic bladder
Abstract Background Neuropathic or neurogenic bladder describes a process of dysfunctional voiding as the result of injury in the brain, spinal cord or nerves innervating the bladder. People with neuropathic bladder, such as from spinal cord injury (SCI), are at significant risk of morbidity from urinary tract infections (UTI). Effective methods to prevent UTI in […]

Policies for replacing long-term indwelling urinary catheters in adults
Abstract Background Long-term indwelling catheters are used commonly in people with lower urinary tract problems in home, hospital and specialised health-care settings. There are many potential complications and adverse effects associated with long-term catheter use. The effect of health-care policies related to the replacement of long-term urinary catheters on patient outcomes is unclear. Objectives To […]

Electrical stimulation with non-implanted electrodes for overactive bladder in adults
Abstract Background Several options exist for managing overactive bladder (OAB), including electrical stimulation (ES) with non-implanted devices, conservative treatment and drugs. Electrical stimulation with non-implanted devices aims to inhibit contractions of the detrusor muscle, potentially reducing urinary frequency and urgency. Objectives To determine the effectiveness of: ES with non-implanted electrodes compared with placebo or any […]

Lifestyle interventions for the treatment of urinary incontinence in adults
Abstract Background Low cost, non-invasive alterations in lifestyle are frequently recommended by healthcare professionals or those presenting with incontinence. However, such recommendations are rarely based on good evidence. Objectives The objective of the review was to determine the effectiveness of specific lifestyle interventions (i.e. weight loss; dietary changes; fluid intake; reduction in caffeinated, carbonated and […]

Urinary catheter policies for long-term bladder drainage
Abstract Background People requiring long-term bladder draining commonly experience catheter-associated urinary tract infection and other problems. Objectives To determine if certain catheter policies are better than others in terms of effectiveness, complications, quality of life and cost-effectiveness in long-term catheterised adults and children. Search methods We searched the Cochrane Incontinence Group Specialised Trials Register (searched […]