Neuro child

Respiratory muscle training in children and adults with neuromuscular disease

Abstract Background Neuromuscular diseases (NMDs) are a heterogeneous group of diseases affecting the anterior horn cell of spinal cord, neuromuscular junction, peripheral nerves and muscles. NMDs cause physical disability usually due to progressive loss of strength in limb muscles, and some NMDs also cause respiratory muscle weakness. Respiratory muscle training (RMT) might be expected to […]


Families and Schools Together (FAST) for improving outcomes for children and their families

Abstract Background Parents and carers have a major influence on children’s learning and development from birth, through the school years, and into adulthood. Parental contributions to education include providing a secure environment in which to learn, providing intellectual stimulation, transmitting social norms and values, shaping the child’s resilience through fostering literacy and problem‐solving, and encouraging […]


Constraint‐induced movement therapy in children with unilateral cerebral palsy

Abstract Background Unilateral cerebral palsy (CP) is a condition that affects muscle control and function on one side of the body. Children with unilateral CP experience difficulties using their hands together secondary to disturbances that occur in the developing fetal or infant brain. Often, the more affected limb is disregarded. Constraint‐induced movement therapy (CIMT) aims […]


Communication interventions for autism spectrum disorder in minimally verbal children

Abstract Background Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has an estimated prevalence of around 1.7% of the population. People with ASD often also have language difficulties, and about 25% to 30% of children with ASD either fail to develop functional language or are minimally verbal. The ability to communicate effectively is an essential life skill, and difficulties […]


Parent‐mediated interventions for promoting communication and language development in young children with Down syndrome

Abstract Background Communication and language development are areas of particular weakness for young children with Down syndrome. Caregivers’ interaction with children influences language development, so many early interventions involve training parents how best to respond to their children and provide appropriate language stimulation. Thus, these interventions are mediated through parents, who in turn are trained […]


Xenon as an adjuvant to therapeutic hypothermia in near‐term and term newborns with hypoxic‐ischaemic encephalopathy

Abstract Background Hypoxic‐ischaemic encephalopathy (HIE) is a serious birth complication affecting term and late preterm newborns. Although therapeutic hypothermia (cooling) has been shown to be an effective therapy for neonatal HIE, many cooled infants have poor long‐term neurodevelopmental outcomes. In animal models of neonatal encephalopathy, inhaled xenon combined with cooling has been shown to offer […]


Parent‐mediated communication interventions for improving the communication skills of preschool children with non‐progressive motor disorders

Abstract Background Children with motor disorders can have difficulties in producing accurate and consistent movements for speech, gesture or facial expression (or a combination of these), making their communication difficult to understand. Parents may be offered training to help recognise and interpret their child‘s signals and to stimulate their children‘s development of new communication skills. […]


Diagnostic tests for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in preschool children

Abstract Background Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a behaviourally diagnosed condition. It is defined by impairments in social communication or the presence of restricted or repetitive behaviours, or both. Diagnosis is made according to existing classification systems. In recent years, especially following publication of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders ‐ Fifth Edition […]


Neonatal interventions for preventing cerebral palsy: an overview of Cochrane Systematic Reviews

Abstract Background Cerebral palsy is an umbrella term that encompasses disorders of movement and posture attributed to non‐progressive disturbances occurring in the developing foetal or infant brain. As there are diverse risk factors and aetiologies, no one strategy will prevent cerebral palsy. Therefore, there is a need to systematically consider all potentially relevant interventions for […]


Intervention for childhood apraxia of speech

Abstract Background Childhood apraxia of speech (CAS) affects a child’s ability to produce sounds and syllables precisely and consistently, and to produce words and sentences with accuracy and correctspeech rhythm. It is a rare condition, affecting only 0.1% of the general population. Consensus has been reached that three core features have diagnostic validity: (1) inconsistent […]

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