Sodium channel blockers for neuroprotection in multiple sclerosis
Abstract Background Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune, inflammatory, demyelinating disease of the central nervous system (CNS), which can occur in many parts of the CNS and result in a wide range of symptoms including sensory impairment, fatigue, walking or balance problems, visual impairment, vertigo and cognitive disabilities. At present, the most commonly used MS […]
Immunomodulators and immunosuppressants for relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis: a network meta-analysis
Abstract Background Different therapeutic strategies are available for the treatment of people with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS), including immunomodulators, immunosuppressants and biologics. Although there is consensus that these therapies reduce the frequency of relapses, their relative benefit in delaying new relapses or disability worsening remains unclear due to the limited number of direct comparison trials. […]
Exercise therapy for fatigue in multiple sclerosis
Abstract Background Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an immune-mediated disease of the central nervous system affecting an estimated 1.3 million people worldwide. It is characterised by a variety of disabling symptoms of which excessive fatigue is the most frequent. Fatigue is often reported as the most invalidating symptom in people with MS. Various mechanisms directly and […]
Pharmacological treatments for fatigue associated with palliative care
Abstract Background This review updates the original review, ‘Pharmacological treatments for fatigue associated with palliative care’ and also incorporates the review ‘Drug therapy for the management of cancer-related fatigue’. In healthy individuals, fatigue is a protective response to physical or mental stress, often relieved by rest. By contrast, in palliative care patients’ fatigue can be […]
Dimethyl fumarate for multiple sclerosis
Abstract Background Multiple sclerosis (MS) often leads to severe neurological disability and a serious decline in quality of life. The ideal target of disease-modifying therapy for MS is to prevent disability worsening and improve quality of life. Dimethyl fumarate is considered to have an immunomodulatory activity and neuroprotective effect. It has been approved by the […]
Telerehabilitation for persons with multiple sclerosis
Abstract Background Telerehabilitation, an emerging method, extends rehabilitative care beyond the hospital, and facilitates multifaceted, often psychotherapeutic approaches to modern management of patients using telecommunication technology at home or in the community. Although a wide range of telerehabilitation interventions are trialed in persons with multiple sclerosis (pwMS), evidence for their effectiveness is unclear. Objectives To […]
Corticosteroids for treating optic neuritis
Abstract Background Optic neuritis is an inflammatory disease of the optic nerve. It usually presents with an abrupt loss of vision and recovery of vision is almost never complete. It occurs more commonly in women than in men. Closely linked in pathogenesis, optic neuritis may be the initial manifestation for multiple sclerosis. In some people, […]
Biologics, colchicine, corticosteroids, immunosuppressants and interferon-alpha for Neuro-Behçet’s Syndrome
Abstract Background Neuro-Behçet Syndrome (NBS) is a severe chronic inflammatory vascular disease involving the Central Nervous System (CNS), and it is an invalidating condition with disability and a huge impact on quality of life. Recommendations on treatments for NBS include the use of disease-modifying therapies in general, although they are not supported by a systematic […]
Interventions for the management of oral ulcers in Behçet’s disease
Abstract Background Behçet’s disease is a chronic inflammatory vasculitis that can affect multiple systems. Mucocutaneous involvement is common, as is the involvement of many other systems such as the central nervous system and skin. Behç̧et’s disease can cause significant morbidity, such as loss of sight, and can be life threatening. The frequency of oral ulceration […]
Information provision for people with multiple sclerosis
Abstract Background People with multiple sclerosis (MS) are confronted with a number of important uncertainties concerning many aspects of the disease. Among others, these include diagnosis, prognosis, disease course, disease-modifying therapies, symptomatic therapies and non-pharmacological interventions. It has been shown that people with MS demand adequate information to be able to actively participate in medical […]