Oral substitution treatment of injecting opioid users for prevention of HIV infection
Abstract Background Injecting drug users are vulnerable to infection with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and other blood borne viruses as a result of collective use of injecting equipment as well as sexual behaviour Objectives To assess the effect of oral substitution treatment for opioid dependent injecting drug users on risk behaviours and rates of HIV […]

Oral naltrexone maintenance treatment for opioid dependence
Abstract Background Research on clinical application of oral naltrexone agrees on several things. From a pharmacological perspective, naltrexone works. From an applied perspective, the medication compliance and the retention rates are poor. Objectives To evaluate the effects of naltrexone maintenance treatment versus placebo or other treatments in preventing relapse in opioid addicts after detoxification. Search […]

Treatment for inhalant dependence and abuse
Abstract Background Inhalants are being abused by large numbers of people throughout the world, particularly socio-economically disadvantaged children and adolescents. The neuropsychological effects of acute and chronic inhalant abuse include motor impairment, alterations in spontaneous motor activity, anticonvulsant effects, anxiolytic effects, sensory effects, and effects and learning, memory and operant behaviour (e.g., response rates and […]

Pharmacological treatment for depression during opioid agonist treatment for opioid dependence
Abstract Background Lifetime prevalence of depression in subjects with opioid dependence is higher than in the general population (44-54% versus 16%) and represents a risk factor for morbidity and mortality. For patients on opioid agonist treatment, current prevalence rates of depression ranges between 10 and 30%, influencing negatively the outcome of the treatment. Objectives To […]

Disulfiram for the treatment of cocaine dependence
Abstract Background Cocaine dependence is a disorder for which no pharmacological treatment of proven efficacy exists, advances in the neurobiology could guide future medication development. Objectives To evaluate the efficacy and the acceptability of disulfiram for cocaine dependence. Search methods We searched: PubMed, EMBASE, CINAHL (up to January 2008), the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled […]

Opioid antagonists under heavy sedation or anaesthesia for opioid withdrawal
Abstract Background Withdrawal (detoxification) is necessary prior to drug-free treatment or as the end point of long-term substitution treatment. Objectives To assess the effectiveness of opioid antagonists to induce opioid withdrawal with concomitant heavy sedation or anaesthesia, in terms of withdrawal signs and symptoms, completion of treatment and adverse effects. Search methods We searched the […]

Methadone maintenance therapy versus no opioid replacement therapy for opioid dependence
Abstract Background Methadone maintenance was the first widely used opioid replacement therapy to treat heroin dependence, and it remains the best-researched treatment for this problem. Despite the widespread use of methadone in maintenance treatment for opioid dependence in many countries, it is a controversial treatment whose effectiveness has been disputed. Objectives To evaluate the effects […]

Treatment for amphetamine withdrawal
Abstract Background Few studies examined treatments for amphetamine withdrawal, although it is a common problem among amphetamine users. Its symptoms, in particular intense craving, may be a critical factor leading to relapse to amphetamine use. In clinical practice, medications for cocaine withdrawal are commonly used to manage amphetamine withdrawal although the pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic properties […]

Treatment for amphetamine dependence and abuse
Abstract Background Few studies examined treatments for amphetamine withdrawal, although it is a common problem among amphetamine users. Its symptoms, in particular intense craving, may be a critical factor leading to relapse to amphetamine use. In clinical practice, medications for cocaine withdrawal are commonly used to manage amphetamine withdrawal although the pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic properties […]

Treatment for amphetamine psychosis
Abstract Background Chronic amphetamine users may have experience of paranoia and hallucination. It has long been believed that dopamine antagonists, such as chlorpromazine, haloperidol, and thioridazine, are effective for the treatment of amphetamine psychosis. Objectives To evaluate risks, benefits, costs of treatments for amphetamine psychosis. Search methods MEDLINE (1966-2007), EMBASE (1980-2007), CINAHL (1982-2007), PsychINFO (1806-2007), […]